There are 3 places remaining in our Beginners Pilates – 1-2 places in our Intermediate Level Pilates Fitness Classes in our Fitnecise Studio in South Dublin, close to Dundrum and Rathfarnham in the Nutgrove Office Park – Unit F1.

Pilates classes courses in south Co Dublin Ireland Studio Nutgrove Shopping Centre Rathfarnham -close Dundrum Leopardstown Sandyford Terenure Rathmines 2
Please call or text the latest at 5pm – 086-1736720, I’m as getting ready to teach from 5.30pm onwards and can’t take any calls or reply to messages after that.
By the way – “Well Done” to the guys last nigth who joined the “Men Only Core Strength, Pilates & Flexibility Combo” Class – guess some of you might feel a bit soure this morning.