Category Archives: Videos

Video 4 – Back Loosening, Stretching & Mobilizing Pilates Exercises

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Mid and Lower Back Loosening, Stretching and Mobilizing Pilates Exercises.

In this video you are going to learn two simple Pilates Exercises, that will allow you to
(1) loosen, (2) stretch and (3) mobilize mainly your mid and lower back.
(1) Pilates Shoulder Bridge
The shoulder bridge will allow you to stretch mainly your mid an lower back, if correctly executed. Over the years I met a lot of people with lower back issues, pain and stiffness. This is one of the Pilates moves, that should help to loosen the lumbar spine (lower back) and bottom of the thoracic spine (mid back). Always consult your GP or physio therapist / physical therapist before starting any new exercise regime, especially i you have back issues. I would also consider it one of the very safe exercise, as there shouldn’t be any sudden, rushed or jerky move. Focus on ideally lifting and lowering vertebrae by vertebrae and controlling the movement.
(2) Pilates Chest Opener or Crocodile
The chest opener mobilizes the spine in a rotational way, to the right and left. It focuses more on the thoracic spine and less on lumbar spine mobility than the shoulder bridge. The chest opener will also help you to  prevent rounded shoulders, as it stretches your chest or pectoral muscles. And to top it up it loosens tight neck muscles as well.

To Do – List :
(1) I recommend to do start with 5x Shoulder Bridges followed by 10x Chest Opener (Right/Left) – do 2-3 set. This could be done in the morning after waking up or after work, especially if you are sitting for hours on a desk or maybe if you do a lot of driving.
(2) Try to identify if certain areas of your back are looser than others, e.g. your lower back versus your mid back for the Pilates Shoulder Bridge.
(3) Be aware how far you can reach back with your arm and hand on your right versus your left (Chest Opener). Is it the same on both side or are there differences? Apply the same to your ability to turn your head and being able follow you fingers with your eyes.

Let me know how you get and what you have learned doing these exercises.

Video 3 – Corporate 10min Lunchtime Neck, Back, Shoulder Stretching, Loosening Class in Sandyford, Leopardstown, Central Park, south Dublin 18

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I’m going to start a new Corporate – 10min Neck, Back and Shoulder Stretching and Loosening Exercises Class on Tuesday 19th July 2016 – 1.10pm-1.20pm in Ulster Bank Gym, Central Park, Sandyford Industrial Estate.
Some of you might know that I’m managing Ulster Bank’s Gym in Leopardstown, Dublin 18 on a part time basis since 2004. Find more details on my Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching website – 
Contact me if you are interested in introducing corporate fitness, exercise or nutrition classes, seminars or talks to your company or business.

Yours in Health & Well Being
_ Martin

Video 2 – Intermediate to Advanced Pilates & Core Strength Combination

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In this Intermediate to Advanced Pilates & Core Strength Video I demonstrate a combination of three movements
(1) Plank & Knee Pull-In >> Focus: Core Strength (lower abs), a bit Upper Body Strength Toning
(2) Push-Ups >> Focus: Upper Body Strength, small bit of Core Strength
(3) Plank & Side Kick >> Focus: Waist / Obliques, a bit Upper Body Strength Toning

You might try this sequence if you have done Pilates or other Core Strength exercises and work before on a regular basis. I wouldn’t recommend these moves to someone who just started to do Pilates or has any neck, back or shoulder issues.

Let me know how you get on and how easy or challenging this sequence is.

Yours in Health & Fitness
_ Martin

Video 1 – Morning Pilates & Loosening Routine with Martin

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In this short Pilates video I’m demonstrating a sample Pilates routine that could be done:

  1. as a Morning Pilates Routine after getting up to boost you energy levels, wake up and loosen up after a good night’s rest.
  2. as a Warm-Up Routine before a work out or a run etc..
  3. in between when working at a desk / in a office  for several hours to break up the day (you might just do the Neck, Back and Upper-Body Stretches and Loosening moves).

I plan to create one video per week from now onward, where I demonstrate different Kettlebell, Pilates, Body-Weight Exercises, Resistance Training and other exercises. Nutrition and diet advice videos, with various tip, recommendations, food reviews etc. are also planned.

Please let me know if you are interested in particular routines, exercises or have any specific questions. 

Yours in Health & Fitness
__ Martin